Managing physical symptoms of anxiety/ self care:
Now we've discussed some of the main physical symptoms of anxiety, it only seems right to suggest some ways that you can relieve and manage these symptoms. As I mentioned previously, these are based on what I have found have worked for me personally, as well as other individuals' experiences.
1. Ginger candies - These are very helpful to settle your stomach and reduce the feelings of nausea
The Ginger People ones are great (
2. Ginger / Peppermint teas - Similar to the ginger candies, but making a cup of ginger or peppermint tea can help alleviate those digestive issues, such as bloating. Before bed is a good time for these I find.
3. Sipping on water - Having water with you to sip on when a bout of nausea hits can be really helpful.
4. Calming music and meditation - If you're in a state of panic or anxiety and need something to ground or distract you, listening to a calming piece of music or podcast can divert your attention from your symptoms. You can search for these on youtube and spotify. Simply typing in words such as "anxiety meditation" or "relaxation" will bring up an endless number of great pieces for you to listen to. Here are some recommended playlists from spotify:
Rain sounds
Guided meditation
Anti-Anxiety Meditation Mix
Anxiety & Stress Relief
5. Get up and do something - This one can be difficult to do, when you're struggling with symptoms that make you just want to not move. However, the best thing sometimes, is to get up and do something that will take your mind off of how you're feeling. Something simple such as putting a load of washing on or going for a walk. Something that will get you up and give you something else to focus on. That fresh air can do wonders!
6. Breathing exercises - Focusing on your breathing and slowing it down can help you stay calm and regulate your heart rate. Here are some useful websites that explain a number of effective breathing techniques:
7. Eating something small, plain and often - During those episodes of nausea, having something to eat is the last thing on your mind. However, not eating can actually worsen those feelings. It's important to fuel your body, even when you're feeling this way, so small meals often can help. Bananas, crackers, bread/toast, raisins as snacks are a good idea. When it comes to meal times, nutritious foods with lots of fruit and vegetables are the best way to go. Try to avoid anything too heavy, acidic or spicy which could worsen gastrointestinal symptoms. Here are some useful links with dietary advice for anxiety:
8. Keep a diary - It might be helpful to keep note of your symptoms, and when they come on. You could notice a pattern of behaviours/situations that bring on or exacerbate your symptoms and having this written down and acknowledging it, could help you to put in place effective ways to manage or reduce them when they appear. It could also be beneficial to write down some positive things that are going on for you, or things you have to look forward to. So often when we're anxious, we focus on all the negatives and find it hard to see a way out. Having something to remind us of the things and people that bring us joy can be instrumental to our well-being.